Locker Use Policy
The lockers outside of the classrooms are the property of Temasek Secondary School. Lockers are meant to provide a secure personal space for Temasekians to safe-keep their personal learning devices (PLDs), mobile phones, and other personal items that are necessary for use in school during the school term. This provision is a privilege given to all Temasekians who are expected to adhere to the following terms of use of the lockers. Failure to comply will result in withdrawal of this privilege and appropriate discipline actions.
Assignment of Lockers
Each Temasekian is assigned a locker outside his/her form classroom according to register number, and is responsible for the care and use of the locker according to the School Locker Use Policy.
Changing of assigned lockers between students is strictly not allowed.
Sharing of lockers is not allowed.
Depending on needs, Temasekians may be assigned to a different locker when necessary or at the start of a new semester.
Clearance and Return of Lockers
At the end of each semester, lockers must be cleared, cleaned and returned with locks removed.
The school will announce an exact deadline. After this date, the school shall have the authority to open such lockers and clear/dispose items inside.
Security and Care of Lockers
Temasekians are responsible for getting their own padlocks (key or combination padlock of the correct size). Bluetooth-operated locks are not permitted. The lockers can accommodate padlocks of sizes up to 3 cm by 7 cm, inclusive of the body and shackle.
Temasekians are to ensure that their lockers are locked securely upon storing their personal items.
Temasekians are responsible for all the items kept inside their lockers.
Temasekians must take good care of their lockers. Writing, drawing, painting, sticking labels or other acts that will deface the lockers are not allowed.
In the event of any loss of items or damage to the locker, Temasekians must report immediately to their Form Teacher(s).
Storage of items in Lockers
Mobile Phones:
According to school policy, mobile phones should be switched off and kept away until the official end of each curriculum day. Hence, Temasekians are expected to safe-keep their mobile phones inside the lockers before the start of the first curriculum period, and to retrieve only after their last curriculum period for the day. If mobile devices are needed for official/educational purposes during curriculum hours, instructions will be given by teachers to retrieve the mobile phones from the lockers.Personal Learning Devices (PLDs):
Temasekians must safe-keep their PLDs in their lockers when they leave their classroom during recess, lunch, PE, CCA or out-of-class activities that do not require the use of PLDs.Items not allowed to be stored at all times in Lockers: Temasekians must not store food, drinks or any items that are illegal or may pose health hazard, security risk and danger to others in their lockers.
Items not allowed to be stored overnight in Lockers: Temasekians must not store their mobile phones or valuable items overnight.
Temasekians are strongly encouraged to bring their PLDs home to be charged fully before bringing them back to school the next school day. In view of student well-being, Temasekians may lock their PLDs1 overnight in their assigned lockers from Monday to Thursday to lighten the load of their school bags. They must bring their PLDs home on Fridays or on the eve of a school holiday, public holiday or HBL day. PLDs must not be stored in the lockers over the weekend or for more than one night such that they cannot be checked immediately the next day.
Temasekians who lock their PLDs in their lockers overnight must check their PLDs the following day for safety reasons. PLDs must not be left unchecked for more than a day.