Character & Citizenship Education (CCE)
Character and Citizenship Education (CCE), including National Education (NE), and Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), are integral to the holistic development of our students, leading to positive life outcomes. The CCE Curriculum provides an integrated approach to addressing our students’ development of values, character, social-emotional (SE) well-being, and citizenship dispositions in a coherent and holistic way.
The CCE Curriculum aims to develop in our students: a. Good character:
Have a sound moral compass and a strong sense of right and wrong, think
critically and ethically, be discerning in judgment, take responsibility
for choices and actions, be caring towards others and strive for excellence;
b. Resilience and social-emotional well-being: Have a balanced sense of
self, form healthy relationships, be resilient when faced with challenges,
find meaning in life, and have a sense of gratitude and appreciation;
c. Future readiness: Have a sense of purpose in life, develop the dispositions
of adaptability and lifelong learning so as to be able to navigate education
and career pathways purposefully and take on the challenges of the future,
including the world of work and life; and
d. Active citizenship: Develop a strong national identity based on a sense
of belonging to the nation, a sense of hope in themselves and the future,
an awareness of the reality of Singapore’s vulnerabilities and constraints,
and the will to act on improving the lives of others, and building a future
for our nation.

School Values – T●EPIC refers to the values of Teamwork, Excellence in Performance, Integrity and Care to be nurtured in every student.
SE Competencies enable students to manage self and relationships effectively, as well as make informed, responsible decisions. Civic Literacy and Cross-Cultural Skills enable students to adapt to a complex and culturally diverse world.
Awareness, Choice, Action and Introspection are key stages of learning that support the development of character and citizenship dispositions, including a sense of belonging, hope and reality, and the will to act for the good of the society.
The Temasek Creed exemplifies the desired student outcomes, where every student is nurtured to be citizens of character; one who is exemplary in conduct, passionate in seeking knowledge, undaunted in, and in so doing, may better serve their family, their school and their nation.
Every student is explicitly taught skills and knowledge through the (ALIVE!) (Active Learning In Values Education!) and FACETime (Form teacher ALIVE! CCE) programmes.
Contemporary Issues (CI)
Since 2017, to help raise students’ awareness of local, regional and global issues, we started to focus on having discussions of CI (e.g. issues relating to race, inequality, online falsehoods etc.). Through a whole-school approach, students discuss these issues through role-plays, activities and simulation exercises during ALIVE! and also reflect on current affairs articles. These platforms are help students to explore multiple perspectives and in so doing give agency to students to become citizens who can act for the good of society.
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are becoming increasingly pervasive in our world. While creating instant connectivity and access to vast repositories of information, knowledge, and opinions, the open nature of the Internet can expose our students to undesirable content and influences. CW in CCE is important as it focuses on the well-being of our students as they navigate cyberspace, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to harness the power of ICT for positive purposes, maintain a positive presence in cyberspace, and be safe and responsible users of ICT.
MOE Cyber Wellness Framework

MH is about having a balance in various aspects of life and learning values and social-emotional competencies to cope with life’s situations, relate to others and contribute to the community. A focus on MH in CCE at the secondary level helps students to strengthen their resilience and wellbeing; differentiate between stress, distress (overwhelming stress), and illness; enhance help-seeking efficacy; as well as destigmatise mental illness.
jOURney is an online publication by TMS CCE Committee. It aims to provide parents with up-to-date information and practical tips to support your child's growth. jOURney emphasises that your child's road to success is in OUR hands! Through a joint effort, we hope to support each child's aspirations and help them to build their identity. In each issue, the three main themes of MH, CW and CI will be covered.
We trust the resources in each theme will help you to understand, engage and support your child better. In doing so, we hope your child will be able to make informed choices, form positive relationships and develop awareness and agency toward issues in the local, regional and global fronts.
To access all issues of jOURney, please click here .
Students today face a future that will be very different from that experienced by their parents and teachers. ECG is about equipping students with the necessary knowledge, skills, and values to make informed decisions at each key education stage for successful transition from school to further education or work, and hence to manage their career pathways and lifelong learning throughout their lives. Through ECG, students explore their strengths and abilities, examine their life’s purpose, and develop qualities of proactivity, adaptability, and resilience to prepare themselves for the 21st Century.
One of the highlights of TMS’ ECG programme is the annual Career Guidance Day (CGD). CGD 2023 will be held on 28 April 2023, and includes sharing sessions by representatives from Junior Colleges, Polytechnics and ITE. Career professionals in a variety of fields are also invited to share their experiences with Secondary 4 and 5 students. To access materials for the various post-secondary pathway options, pls click here (for 4E5N) or here (for 4NA).
NE, a significant aspect of CCE, comprises a wide range of school efforts that help students experience and explore their national identity as Singaporeans, understand the realities and challenges unique to our nation, and foster a sense of hope and belonging to Singapore. A strong sense of belonging, reality, and hope motivates our students to be active citizens. While they seek to achieve their personal life goals, they also see themselves as playing a contributory role in their immediate communities and in the nation. NE in CCE aims to be empowering and aspirational, allowing for individual sense-making, so as to nurture engaged citizens, who are socially aware, adept at critical thinking, and informed about local, regional, and global issues.
SEd enables our students to understand the physiological, social, and emotional changes they experience as they mature, develop healthy and rewarding relationships including those with members of the opposite sex, and make wise, informed and responsible decisions on sexuality matters. While parents play the primary role in the sexuality education of their children, especially in the teaching and transmission of values about sex and sexuality, schools play an important supportive role.