The Humanities Department aims to develop students with empathy for the human and physical world through the knowledge, skills and values acquired from a Humanities education. Our Humanities curriculum seeks to educate students to be informed, concerned and participative citizens.
The following subjects are offered by the Department: Social Studies, History, Geography, Economics, Principles of Accounts and Elements of Business Skills.
Lower Secondary
Geographical & Historical Investigations
In line with the current Lower Secondary Humanities curriculum, the Geographical and Historical Investigations provide students with opportunities to conduct studies on their communities.
Issues covered in the Investigations may include local perceptions on water as a resource or life in Singapore during colonial times. The Lower Secondary Investigations are structured and closely guided by teachers to help students understand the rigour expected during investigations.
Students will:
- Collaborate in teams as they resolve differences within groups and take responsibility for their assigned roles in their teams
- Communicate their ideas in small groups
- Draw conclusions and present findings on issues based on the study of historical artefacts, observations and interviews
Upper Secondary
Model United Nations (MUN)
Students who show interest in current affairs and world issues are offered opportunities to participate in various MUNs across the year.
MUNs that students have participated in include the Dunman High Model ASEAN Plus Summit as well as the Singapore Model Cabinet. This is part of the Department’s Talent Development Programme which enables students to explore the complex nature of policy-making and diplomacy as well as develop public speaking skills.
Students will:
- Gain confidence in expressing their own ideas and opinions through public speaking
- Collaborate with fellow delegates to resolve disagreements and come to a solution to world issues
- Be self-directed as they conduct their own research and do their own preparations for the MUNs with some guidance from teacher-advisors
- Think critically from multiple perspectives as they explore the complexities associated with the different issues explored during MUNs
Mr Reuben Ong (HOD/ Humanities)
Mrs Audrey Ho (Year Head/ Upper Sec)
Mr Dominic Sim (LT/ History)
Mr Eugin Wong (HOD/ CCA & Safety)
Ms Jocelyn Woo (HOD/ Character & Citizenship Education)
Mr Lim Wei Ming (Asst. Year Head/ Lower Sec)
Mrs Ruth Leong (SH/ Humanities)
Ms Chua Wan Yu
Mr Gabriel Sim Qin Jie
Mrs Gloria Tan
Mrs Joann Mitchell
Mrs Mirnigar Maesten
Mr Mohamed Anwaar
Mdm Nur Azlilah Abdul Aziz
Mdm Nurhidayah Mohamed Ali