Mr Leow Mun Tat Edward (Advisor)
Mrs Lim Chue May (I/C)
Ms Chua Wan Yu (2I/C)
Mdm Liang Yan
The Temasek Wushu Team was set up in 2002 and its membership has grown to the present strength of approximately 40 members. As the only martial arts CCA in Temasek, its members are in demand for their ability to showcase performances that exhibit speed, strength and flexibility. The members are also exposed to theatrical performance to develop their showmanship.
Wushu aspires to develop martial arts skills in its members through a blend of performance and finesse. Through this, we aim to develop them into confident, disciplined and competent practitioners of Wushu who can display flexibility and strength in their movement through flawless execution.
Training is held twice a week in school. Through systematic strength and flexibility training, students are taught basic Wushu skills in Chang Quan or Nan Quan before moving on to more advanced weapons training such as the International Sword, Broadsword, Spear, and Cudgel routine.
Development of basic Wushu skills for new members without any prior experience.
Participate in the annual National School Wushu Championships.
Perform at invitational concerts and events in and outside of school (e.g. The Chinese New Year concert in and outside school and East Coast Community Day).