Shooting Club
Mr Chua Kok Thye (I/C)
Mr Niu Jingquan (2I/C)
Mdm Santhi d/o H P Manis
Temasek Shooting is one of the school’s long standing CCAs. It currently has approximately 80 shooters. TMS also has its own shooting range which was air-conditioned in 2011.

Shooting inspires students to better themselves by helping them to be focused, patient and disciplined.


Both air pistol and air rifle shooting are offered. The team trains twice a week. Shooters learn how to operate the guns safely, and other aspects of safety. They learn about their personal traits and inclinations, to specialise in one of the weapons eventually. Specific training programmes are offered to help all them strive for performance excellence.

Participate in the National School Games Shooting Championships.
Participate in annual National University of Singapore (NUS) and the Nanyang Technological University of Singapore (NTU) invitational shoots.
Excellent shooters will be invited to join the Singapore National Youth Team.