National Police Cadet Corps

Mr Muhammad Hilmy B Zohry (I/C)
Ms Martina Ann Mei Qiang (2I/C)
Mr Mohd Al Anwaarulhaq
NPCC will not be accepting new members from 2025.
Since its inception, the Temasek Secondary National Police Cadet Corps (NPCC) unit has been developing our cadets to be young men and women who display sound moral values, strong character, discipline and resilience in the face of adversity. Currently, Temasek NPCC is approximately 70 cadets strong and guided by 3 Teacher Officers, 2 Honorary Officer and 3 Cadet Inspectors.

To develop our cadets to be active citizens and community leaders, by working in partnership with the Singapore Police Force to fight crime and keep Singapore safe.

Training is held twice a week, where cadets learn a wide array of skills such as campcraft, weapon handling, marksmanship and marching drills. Cadets also undergo training that includes aspects of law enforcement, national education, leadership, resilience and personal character development in courses such as Police Procedures, Crime Scene Investigation and Homefront Security.

• Experience outdoor activities, ranging from obstacle courses to orienteering
• Learn camp craft skills such as the tying of different knots and lashings to build structures such as Tentage and Flagstaff
• Develop teamwork and precision through the training of various foot, baton and rifle drills in the attainment of 3rd, 2nd and 1st Class Drills Badge
• Familiarise with the weapon handling of the .22 Revolver in preparation for Sec 2 Live Shoot and Sec 3 Classification and Marksmanship Shoot
• Participate in inter-unit competitions such as Campcraft Competition, Drills Competition and .22 Revolver Shooting Competition