Environmental Science Club
Environmental Science Club

Miss Chew Li Shan Lydia (I/C)
Mr Low Yi Wee Elvis (2I/C)
The Environmental Science Club was first established in 2016, formerly known as The Green Club. Our CCA brings together like-minded students who want to do their part for environmental conservation and at the same time learn more about environmental issues, including climate change, biodiversity and much more.

The Environmental Science Club aspires to tackle the challenges of climate change through creating awareness and personal responsibility within our school and community. The members all uphold a common goal to develop environmentally-friendly habits which translate into lifelong actions that seek to make our world a better place. Our CCA also aims to learn more about biodiversity and strives to become people truly living in harmony with nature.

Training is held twice a week in school. Students engage in activities that build their awareness of environmental sustainability. Students also learn how to prepare and conduct sharings on the spreading of environmental messages. Last but not least, students will also have hands-on opportunities to learn how to grow vegetables in an urban setting.

Work under NEA’s advice to advocate and share about environmentally friendly practices at other schools and community platforms.
Play an active role in the greening of our school’s environment through sustainable practices and beautification.
Participate in various environmental competitions like the Green Building Photography competition, Community In Bloom and the School Green Awards Competitions.
Conduct sharings to help increase people’s awareness on environmental issues such as climate change, biodiversity, dengue and waste (food, electronic and general) to the school population and the community.
Learning how to grow vegetables in urban settings.